In the mighty and majestic Realm of Boreas there exists an organization so filled with history and heritage, and although young in years, must be considered a tradition.
It was just after World War II that the dominion found that it was lacking a proper army to defend against Vulcanus Rex and his Krewe of dastardly deeds. Notwithstanding expense, Boreas sent words to those returning servicemen that trained their commissions to become Guards for the throne of Boreas.
Defend the throne they did, in fact, several of these same men so pleased the Royal Court that they too were later on selected to be Kings, Prime Ministers and Winds to rule the Kingdom. However, good as they were, a few sought to desert the ranks of Boreas and join forces with Vulcanus Rex. Some, even to this day, swear allegiance to the organization known as Fire and Brimstone, a just reward for those traitors.
It was in the years of 1950 through 1958, which became known as the “Educational Era”, that the Guard of Boreas was selected from the three colleges of the kingdom; Hamline, Macalester and St. Thomas, with St. Thomas pleasing the Kingdom most as they inherited the the exclusive right the years 1950 through 1952. Willing and stout Guardsman they were, yet graduating to other duties in the realm.
With that, Boreas looked to other areas in the Realm
from which to select his Royal Guards. He found in the Saint Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce a group willing to do honor to his Majesty. For an entire decade these men served the throne and it was from this time that was formed the Order of the Royal Guard, so that all men that served in the Guard of Boreas could be a willing ally to the throne.
In the mighty Realm of Boreas today there are many men and women willing to do honor to his majesty. However, Boreas selects only those to whom he has the greatest esteem and utmost confidence in their ability to do honor to the illustrious position. Only to these men does he give all the rights and responsibilities for the title of King’s Guard.
There are many associations which have been in existence for many years, but only one has the history, tradition and heritage to be called the Order of the Royal Guard.
Hail Boreas!